Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Chinese Opera Class

On Thursday, July 3, our group had a Chinese Opera class. It was the second class. The teacher first showed us his own TV performances and then taught the class to sing a "airier" in a well known opera Su San Qi Jie (苏三起解). Li Laoshi is a retired performer, who has learned Chinese Opera since he was 7 years old.

After the class, students also learned about the facial make up and how to use facial expressions.

It then took an entire hour for three professionals to dress our students up as different roles. Below are some of the roles they "played":

Monica as an empress.

Spencer was the brave general 吕布

Monica and James played a married couple in their wedding dresses

Brett played a Robin-Hood type of hero

Monica and Joe are empress and emperor

Unfortunately, my camera ran out of battery for other roles. However, you can skim through my students' blogs to see more of the pictures.

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