Thursday, June 26, 2008

The second week

The students survived another week of hard work. Their day starts with Taichi practice at 7 AM, then with language classes in the morning and cultural classes in the afternoon until 3 PM. On each Wednesday, we have a class meeting for cross-cultural discussion.

Last week, students toured Tianjin City and visited the famous " Cultural Street" (文化街), two blocks full of small shops selling Chinese painting, jade Jewries, Wu-Shu weapons... etc. We also ate dinner in a restaurant within the "Food Street" (食品街), a mall with more than 50 snack shops and restaurants. I bought a good sword and fan for my own Taichi class in the Cultural Street and got a pretty good deal.

This week students participated in a Chinese painting class to learn the differences between Chinese and western oil painting. They also tried their hand with pain brush and drew crabs and lobsters.

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